Eric Latta

Entreprise immobilière personnelle604.351.5211

Eric Latta is a lifetime resident of the North Shore. Recognized as a respected leader in the sale of West Vancouver and North Vancouver homes, Eric has consistently established himself as one of the highest producing realtors on the North Shore year after year with over $800,000,000 in real estate sold.
Eric's success stems from a combination of hard work, dedication to his clients' individual needs, a strong understanding of the marketplace, and high ethical standards, which has earned him recognition as a member of the top 1% of realtors in the Lower Mainland.
With 22 years of experience and a highly effective marketing program, Eric combines a comprehensive range of creative marketing tools providing a success rate of over 96% of all listings SOLD. This is why Eric delivers consistent results earning his clients' trust again and again.
"Whether you're considering buying or selling a home today, or in the near future, or would simply like a current market evaluation of your home, it would be my pleasure to work with you."

Zones de service Grand Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique)

Langue(s) Anglais

Eric Latta

Visitez mon site web

Bureau : 604.922.6995
Sans-Frais : 1.877.236.8800
Fax : 604.922.6289

2419 Bellevue Ave, Suite #103,
West Vancouver, V7V 4T4

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Accueil/Répertoire des courtiers/Eric Latta