Mes ventes récentes

2 148 800 CA$

48 Blue Ridge Rd, Toronto

4 cac4 sdb6 622,20 Terrain

Sotheby’s International Realty Canada

2 700 CA$/mo

21 Balmuto St E #705, Toronto

1 cac1 sdb

Sotheby’s International Realty Canada

2 695 000 CA$

271 Old Orchard Grve, Toronto

3 cac4 sdb1 500

Sotheby’s International Realty Canada

4 489 000 CA$

59 Wendover Rd, Toronto

4 cac5 sdb7 021,32 Terrain

Sotheby’s International Realty Canada

À propos

Susan is an award-winning, full-service real estate professional providing exemplary service and satisfaction to her clients since 1987, In her first four years, Susan focused her career on the pre-sale condominium market which has given her a broad range of [Suite]

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Exposition de classe mondialeAucune autre société immobilière n’investit dans le marketing à échelle locale mondiale et sur :

En plus des douzaines de sites Web et de publications de haute qualité.

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