More than a functional feature of the home, the staircase is an artful sculpture that embodies the character of the home’s architecture and the homeowner. You can call them functional art if you will. Often located at the main entrance, simply elevating your staircase with thoughtful minute details can set the tone for your guests and treats your home as a desirable piece of artwork. Refresh your home this spring with these creative ideas for the staircase.

Curve Consideration

A staircase that curves or spirals adds an interesting elegance and sophistication to the space and are often highly desired in homes. With its curves, a staircase is able to conform to any space in a room and take up less space than a regular staircase. These types of staircases often increase the resale value of a home. 

Handrails and Moulding Details

Handrails can easily enhance your staircase. A variety of designs and styles are available and have an immediate impact on the tone your staircase sets in the home. The type of moulding your choose can also be used to create design continuity with the rest of the house. A dramatic look opts for wide railings, dark woods, or large moulding. A softer or lighter look incorporates lighter colours, little to no moulding, and slim – or even no – hand rails.


Natural or artificial lighting is important to highlight your home’s stairs. Incorporating small lights either on every step or every few steps is a great way to make your staircase look fancier, and at the same time, much safer to use at night. This is a simple way of creating a dramatic change. There are many ways to illuminate your staircase, including LED light strips, LED miniature bulbs for recessed lighting, or wall mount sconces.


Carpeting adds more texture, interest and elegance to your staircase and makes it considerably safer to use. In addition, adding carpeting can make for better indoor acoustics – especially if your home has lots of glass, tile, or marble. Staircases also don’t have to be fully outfitted with carpet – opting for a runner is a simpler way of adding these benefits, while adding interesting patterns and colours.

These details can easily enhance the look of your staircase and make them safer for you and your guests. With the staircase often being the first major home feature they see in the home, don’t forget about it when you carry out your next home improvement projects. Consider these ideas for enhancing your staircase and creating a lasting impression when your guests walk in.

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