Yellowhead 房地产
The province of Alberta is one of Canada’s rising economic and real estate stars. Over the past 20 years, its thriving oil sands, gas, mining and professional industries have propelled it ahead of all other Canadian provinces in terms of economic growth, and its strong economy has attracted new business capital, new residents and new real estate development alike. It’s no surprise that the Alberta real estate market is one of the most robust in North America.
卡尔加里是阿尔伯塔省最大的城市,经济强劲、不断增长,涵盖能源、金融服务、娱乐、运输、物流、制造、航天、卫生和旅游等领域。班夫国家公园世界闻名,是北美游客最多的国家公园,每年游客达 300 多万,卡尔加里热闹繁华,距班夫国家公园咫尺之遥。