Lacombe County 房地产
Situated in the heart of Central Alberta, Lacombe County is a diverse municipality with a variety of agricultural operations and small businesses, as well as a vibrant petrochemical and oil and gas industry. And with numerous post-secondary institutions nearby, the County boasts a skilled and educated labour force. Lacombe County residents are fortunate to live among a number of natural recreational amenities, from lakes and rivers to ski resorts and golf courses.
卡尔加里是阿尔伯塔省最大的城市,经济强劲、不断增长,涵盖能源、金融服务、娱乐、运输、物流、制造、航天、卫生和旅游等领域。班夫国家公园世界闻名,是北美游客最多的国家公园,每年游客达 300 多万,卡尔加里热闹繁华,距班夫国家公园咫尺之遥。