Mirella Sarah Group

416.960.9995 mirellasarahgroup@sothebysrealty.ca

Mirella and Sarah are a mother daughter team who are committed to serving their clients. They will ensure a remarkable experience in any real estate matter. Fully supported by expert professionals in the industry, they have the knowledge and resources to get the job done effectively and efficiently.

Working for clients within and outside of the GTA, Mirella and Sarah are dedicated to fulfill clients needs in the Niagara region, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Mississauaga, Etobicoke, and Toronto.

Both team members are willing to do what it takes to make their clients happy. They meticulously pay attention to detail and are strong negotiators.

团队成立年份 2020

服务区域 Burlington (Greater Toronto Area), Grimsby (Niagara), Grimsby Beach (Niagara), Hamilton (Greater Toronto Area), Mississauga (Greater Toronto Area), Oakville (Greater Toronto Area), Stoney Creek (Niagara), Toronto (Greater Toronto Area)

语言 意大利语, 英语



Mirella Sarah Group


办公室电话: 416.960.9995
国外免费: 1.877.960.9995
传真机: 416.960.3222

1867 Yonge Street, Suite 100, Toronto, M4S 1Y5


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