Sam DeLellis

Marketing Manager, Ontario416.960.9995

Having completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Retail Management with a minor in Marketing, Sam’s professional career is enriched with consumer facing marketing experience spanning markets across Canada. He is no stranger to the creation and execution of strategic marketing plans and excels in utilizing technology to enhance marketing programs. Stressing the importance maintaining high standards, Sam has experience developing brands using a variety of marketing strategies. These include lifestyle-based marketing to successfully attract business with luxury brands, resulting in increased sales from targeted affluent consumers. Over the years, Sam has been involved in a variety of marketing projects, some of which have been acknowledged with industry marketing awards related to brand, special events, and customer service excellence.

Languages English

Sam DeLellis


Office Phone: 416.960.9995
Toll Free: 1.877.960.9995
Fax: 416.960.3222

1867 Yonge Street, Suite 100,
Toronto, M4S 1Y5

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