John Douglas

Sales Representative250.826.7265

Meet John Douglas, your trusted REALTOR® with a wealth of experience spanning both the U.S. and Europe. Now proudly calling the picturesque Okanagan home for himself and his young family, John brings a proven track record and a comprehensive understanding of the real estate market to the table.

In the fast-paced world of real estate, John stands out for his strong communication skills and strategic negotiation expertise, offering you a distinct advantage for success. Dedication, integrity, and a commitment to providing exceptional service are the hallmarks that set John apart in the real estate arena. These qualities can mean the difference between a seamless transaction and an unsuccessful one.

John's journey into real estate started as a personal passion, evolving into an impressive investment portfolio comprising both commercial and residential properties in British Columbia and overseas. His genuine enthusiasm for real estate, coupled with his commitment to service excellence, make him the ideal choice to guide you through your real estate journey.

For a smooth and successful experience in today's dynamic real estate market, reach out to John Douglas.

Service Areas Kelowna (Thompson & Okanagan)

Specialities Buyer Representation, Commercial Property, First-Time Home Buyers, Lake/Beach Properties, Residential, Residential and Commercial Real Estate Broker, Residential Condos/Townhomes, Seller Representation, Single Family Homes

Languages English


  • John was terrific to work with. He was attentive, responsive, patient, and professional every step of the way. I felt that he had my best ...

    - Elena Barsoukova, Lake Country

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    John Douglas

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    Office Phone: 250.469.9547

    3477 Lakeshore Road, Suite 104,
    Kelowna, V1W 3S9

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