Sothebys International Realty Canada

Elisabeth de Ruiter

Sales Representative416.464.7371

I have been working as a Realtor in Toronto for over 4 decades and I am known as one of the most respected and experienced agents in the City.
I have an outstanding knowledge of all of Toronto's neighbourhoods and have a loyal client base who repeatedly call upon my services and expertise. I bring a unique level of trustworthiness, thoughtfulness and good hard business sense to every Buyer and Seller relationship.
I was born in the Netherlands and moved to Canada with my family as a child. I currently reside on Tranby Avenue, my favourite street in The Annex.
When not working, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, doing Pilates and Yoga, playing tennis, and running in the city's ravine system with my dog.

Service Areas Toronto (Greater Toronto Area)

Languages English


Elisabeth de Ruiter

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Office Phone: 416.960.9995
Toll Free: 1.877.960.9995
Fax: 416.960.3222

1867 Yonge Street, Suite 100,
Toronto, M4S 1Y5

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